Sayara Becomes Outreach Partner of USAID and IDB’s “Juntos Es Mejor” Challenge

On October 21st,  the U.S. Agency for International Development (USAID) and Inter-American Development Bank (IDB) launched the BetterTogether, JuntosEsMejor, Challenge. With this new partnership, USAID and IDB will provide $13.5 million to crowdsource, fund, and scale innovative solutions that support Venezuelans inside the country, Venezuelans across Latin America and the Caribbean, and the communities hosting them.

As the largest external displacement of people in the Western Hemisphere’s history, the Venezuela regional crisis has driven nearly 4.5 million people to flee the country. The political and economic crisis has led to severe shortages of food, electricity, medicine, water, and other basic human needs. This outflow of Venezuelans has had a growing social and economic impact on neighboring countries in Latin America and the Caribbean, including effects on public services, labor markets, community relations, and infrastructure. 

Sayara’s study “Venezuelans in Colombia: Understanding the Implications of the migrant crisis in Maicao (La Guajira)”, gave us a better understanding of this growing humanitarian crisis, therefore, committed to contribute with this challenge, Sayara has become an outreach partner of the BetterTogether, JuntosEsMejor, Challenge.

BetterTogether is a platform for collaboration and additional partnerships, that will pool knowledge and resources, gather local insights, host co-creation events, and build a marketplace of tested, market-ready solutions to help Venezuelans and the communities hosting them. Applications for funding will address four focus areas: people, productivity, services, and finance.

BetterTogether may award grants, loans, and equity investments. Beyond financial support, awardees will be eligible for other benefits, including technical assistance, access to networks, and publicity. The Challenge will source innovative solutions globally for implementation in one or more of the following countries: Argentina, Brazil, Chile, Colombia, Ecuador, Guyana, Panama, Peru, Trinidad and Tobago, and Venezuela. USAID will fund the implementation of solutions within Venezuela. This list could change based on the crisis. All changes will be available on the Challenge website (


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*Source: USAID and IDB BetterTogether press release and external media toolkit