Read the Report “Venezuelans in Colombia: Understanding the Implications of the migrant crisis in Maicao (La Guajira)”

Sayara International launched the findings of its 2018 migration research, “Venezuelans in Colombia: Understanding the Implications of the migrant crisis in Maicao (La Guajira)”. The findings, carried out in October 2018, helped shed light on the humanitarian needs of local migrants and the capacity of local government to respond. Through a comprehensive humanitarian aid mapping analysis, along with a mix of quantitative and qualitative research tools, and a machine-learning media monitoring platform, Sayara created a snapshot of migrant needs and perceptions within the context of this ever-evolving humanitarian crisis.

Click here to download Report Venezuelans in Colombia Sayara International Final Version

Download the Presentation Venezuelans in Colombia English – RF


The research was designed to inform policymakers and the donor community of a highly impacted, and often overlooked municipality along the border between Colombia and Venezuela, that is struggling to cope with the highest population of migrants per capita within the country.

Research Objectives:

1) provide stakeholders with a better understanding of migratory trends and the profile of migrant ecosystems,

2) provide migrants with a map of services available to them through government agencies, international NGOs, and civil society organizations,

3) understand the how to better design activities adapted to migrant needs (research, capacity building, communications).

Sayara held events in both Bogota and Washington, DC to explore the findings and engage donors and International NGO’s with the aim of highlighting drivers of tension (e.g. xenophobia), harms to social cohesion and the exploitation of vulnerable groups within the migrant communities.

On February 28th, Sayara, along with its local partner, Uniminuto, presented the findings and held a panel discussion with the head of UNHCR in Bogota.

To view this event, please see the following video link.

Download Spanish Resumen Investigación Venezolanos en Colombia Español

Download Presentación Venezolanos en Colombia Español

On April 8th, Sayara was invited to release the findings at the International Republican Institute, followed by a panel discussion with Mr. Luca Dall’Oglio, Chief of Mission for IOM US, Dr. Steve Olive, Acting Assistant Administrator, Bureau for Latin America and the Caribbean, USAID Tony Garrastazu, Senior Director, Center for Global Impact, International Republican Institute, and Gisela Zapata, Migration Specialist for Sayara International.

For further information contact Manuela Torres: manuela@